Wednesday, October 13, 2010

To Chile and Its Hero Miners: Thank-You

What a beautiful story. I have just been transixed the past 24 hours watching as the Chilean miners one by one were brought out of the dark and back up into the light into the waiting arms of their loved ones. I have been thoroughly impressed with the process by which the miners have been rescued, great planning, great job reaching out and accepting help.

One of the things that has been most touching for me is to hear about the amazing faith and hope of this group of men, and their families, and really the country of Chile.

“There are actually 34 of us because God has never left us down here." Jimmy Sanchez.

“I’ve been near God, but I’ve also been near the devil, God won.” Mario Sepulveda

“Thank God we’re alive, I know now why we’re alive.” Edison Peña

Simply amazing. It has been a Major Miner Miracle. The miners found light in the darkness, and found it in God and in each other, as well as their connections with their loved ones above. We all have experiences that feel like we are coming back into the light. Watching this whole event unfold, I've had a song running through my head, which I wanted to share here. I planned on doing a whole bunch of video with it. But, I think I'll just stick with one photo of light and let you just listen to the song. Let your mind and heart run your own video :)

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